Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Road Trip to Meadow Lake!

Blake & I thought we were going to be camping last weekend so I got a substitute for our class. We ended up only going up for the day. So we went on a ride on Sunday. Blake has wanted to take me to Meadow Lake for along time so I could see it! It's a very pretty camp site.  A very boring ride there though. Worth the ride to see it though. So cold up there! Not a lot of campers up there. Maybe next time we will be smart and bring our flashlights and go into the holes where the minners used to work! It's so neat to see and all the desereted houses. Crazy. 


Jonna said...

Well I love the pictures Shan & Blake! Meadow Lake is so pretty, and you guys are so dang cute together. It does look cold though. I another month, we will be wishing for the heat again. That quote is really neat...great layout. Get them coming.

Chantri said...

I love when you post! You two are the cutiest couple! :) I love you guys.

Sounds like a fun day....I love going on drives and seeing new things. Cute layout!

Brandi said...

I LOVE THOSE KIND OF THINGS. Take it all in now before you have kids, becuase it is not nearly as fun...with kids screaming in the car, and you and Blake fighting becuase the tension builds...FUN FUN FUN!!! I love Meadow is so beautiful, I am glad that you guys went.

Mandie said...

Cute pictures! You guys look adorable. It is always nice to get away for the day. Talk with ya later.