Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 1/2 Months!

The other week Blake and I had to go to the Dentist and Grandma Warnke got to watch you for awhile. Of course you were an angel but you were also Photogenic for her that day to. She got some really cute pictures of you. I just couldn't resist showing you off! I don't know where your bright blue eyes came from but I'm sure in love with them!
 Love you oakleigh.


Jonna said...

What a sweet little layout of Oakleigh. I about fell off my chair when I saw that you made a post. We all love those beautiful blue eyes....they just pull you in!

Chris said...

I just woke up from passing out after seeing you posted something!! She gets those beautiful blue eyes from her parents...see what beautiful babies you guys make?? You should have a dozen or more!! Get busy!!

Mandie said...

She is so darn adorable! I just want to eat her up. Give her a great big hug from her aunt mandie. Keep the post coming!

Brandi said...

SHE IS ADORABLE...just stunningly beautiful! I agree with everyone else that seeing you make a post about makes me pass out. I really wish that you would do some more often. I know it is A LOT of work to scrapbook the pages then do a post but you will love love love it when you can look back and remember all of the fun little things that are so easy to forget. Not that I can really give you a hard time I haven't been doing much either. I need to get my butt going again. I love you and love love love the pictures mom took. You should order some and put them up. They are so cute. Love the layout as well. You are very talented.

coolgadgets4u said...

That was so well done, it made my heart sing when I looked at your blog .
Well done.